dissabte, 19 de març del 2016


The last Saturday morning of February students take the exam once again in the Fonix at the University of Girona. The enthusiasm for a good result in the regional phase. Many people there. Parents that come with children because that range from primary and secondary school. There were also students of Batxillerat and Cicles Formatius.

By the end of the test, they said it had gone well. However, it was hard to win because there were always very good competitors.

Joan Guerola
Professor d’Anglès

The day I went to Fonix I woke up very early because I was very nervous. I arrived a little before, so I didn't have to run. Inside the center, I heard many children who competed speaking in English with their parents. When it was time to do the exams, a man called the courses 5th, 6th, 1st Eso and 2nd Eso and we did two rows In my row were the 2nd Eso and 6th courses. Inside the class where we did the exam there was a lady that told us where we sat. When everyone was ready they gave us a pen and the exam. I answered everything and in the end we picked up exams and we left the class to go where our parents were waiting for us .
Joana Giere Cervià
Alumna de 2n d’ESO

El passat 27 de febrer, una servidora va assistir a la segona fase del concurs d'anglès Fonix, i com a conseqüència d'això, se m'ha demanat que expliqui breument la meva petita experiència. Així que aquí ho teniu:

Anar al Fonix ha sigut una experiència enriquidora. Tot i que sembli només un concurs on l'únic que es pot guanyar és un premi, aquest examen m'ha posat a prova i m'ha servit per descobrir quins són els meus punts febles en l'anglès. Sóc conscient que la prova em podria haver anat millor, però no em penedeixo d'haver-hi participat.
Dolores Lamas
Alumna de 4t d’ESO

On Saturday 27th of February, I had the chance to represent my course on Fonix. It is a school contest where hundreds of students around Catalunya take the Fonix exam. It tests your English, basically idioms, answer questions from a text, some grammar and at the end an essay. In my point of view it was a great experience that if I could, I would repeat it once again. It took place in the UDG and it was completely full of people. Not only there were hundreds of students, but also hundreds of parents and companions. I have to say that it was quite disorganized as we had to wait about a half an hour until we finally entered to the classroom.
Laia Calvet
Alumna de 1r de Batxillerat

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